Betting the horse with the funny or unusual name can be a fun way to play the horses – but that is merely “play”. There is a more serious method of betting on just the name and that is betting the “omen”. The “omen bet” is emotional, personal and somewhat supernatural.
It’s one thing to bet a horse with a name of a favorite relative, or a town you lived in or a cat you once knew. If you bet every name that was familiar in your past – you wouldn’t have enough money to keep up with them all. Moreover, the longer you live, the more of these bets you’ll be placing.
However, an “omen bet” goes one step further and almost into another dimension as it becomes a message from beyond. And, the limited knowledge of the beyond that I possess is that “they” (whoever they may be) know more than we do and that “they” are trying to give us a sign or clue of some kind from the never never land.
The basics of an omen bet, therefore, is two parts. The name of the familiar and something familiar with the familiar.
For example, when you see on the program a horse with the name “Ted” and you had an Uncle Ted, that should make you remember that person (if it’s someone special in your life, of course). But, in this example the horse’s name is Joke King Ted and your Uncle always had a new joke whenever he came around – there’s your “omen bet”.
Remember that this bet is personal and only YOU or someone that experienced the same will see the importance. If you put $10 to win on Nancy Pants and your sister, Nancy, always wore colorful bell bottoms and she’s going off at 30-1 don’t be surprised to get a funny look from the teller or the techno handicapper standing in the line next to you. They aren’t getting the same vibe from another world like you are about this horse who, by the way, is moving up in class, had to be vanned off a time or two recently and his best finish in his last 8 races was 7th.
There’s a theory that those in the hereafter give us signs all the time but we have to be open to those signs to be able to see them. So, keep an open mind and if a name on the program jumps out at you, it might be someone or something from your past giving you a tip from out of this world. Or, you could just be throwing your money away – only the shadows of the unknown will know for sure.